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Tantra for the People!

Epic Love, Sexual Awakening & Spirituality

For Women, Men, & Couples

September 26, 2024 - March 20, 2025

Image by Edward Howell



Join us on an extraordinary six-month journey designed for both men and women to explore the profound realms of Tantra. Tantra for the People is an inclusive program that empowers you to harness your creative sexual energy, reach expanded states of consciousness, deepen intimacy and connection with your partner, and cultivate self-love and empowerment.


Whether you are single or in a relationship, this program offers immense benefits.


For individuals, it provides a path to personal & sexual empowerment and spiritual growth as you deepen your self love and magnetism.


For couples, it presents an incredible opportunity to deepen intimacy, ignite passion, create a powerful connection, and transform your relationship to a state of bliss, ecstasy, and soulmate love.

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Tantra for the People: Ignite Your Love, Life, & Spirit!

Join me for a transformational six month journey into the world of Tantra.


Tantra for the People is designed to help you deepen intimacy, connect with your higher self, and cultivate lasting love and passion. 


Whether you’re single or or in a relationship, this program is for anyone ready to awaken their sexual energy, improve their relationships, and experience spiritual and personal empowerment.

Image by Edward Howell


The mission of Tantra for the People is to awaken, evolve, and cultivate compassionate and loving individuals and partnerships. By empowering men and women to harness their creative sexual energy, deepen their spiritual connection, and cultivate self-love, we are creating a more harmonious humanity. 

This program aspires to nurture mentally healthy and vibrant individuals, develop passionately in love couples who create happy and healthy families, and inspire people to be a beneficial presence on the planet. Together, we strive to bring heaven on earth by living with purpose, passion, and a commitment to the greater good.

Program Highlights:

Exploration of Sexuality and Spirituality:

  - Delve into the sacred union of sexuality and spirituality. Learn to master your sexual energy and channel it for personal and spiritual growth.

Deepen Intimacy and Connection:

  - Engage in partner practices that enhance intimacy and sexual connection. Discover techniques to deepen your bond and create a more profound connection with your partner or yourself.


Empowerment and Self-Love:

  - Embrace your masculine power and feminine essence. Empower yourself to be your most radiant self and increase your self-love through various transformative practices.


Breathwork and Yoga:

  - Practice specific breathwork techniques and yoga practices that align with Tantra principles. These practices will help you master your energy, balance your subtle body centers, enhance your physical vitality, and prepare your body temple to experience ecstatic bliss, pleasure, and expanded states of consciousness.


Spiritual Technologies and Practices:

  - Explore Tantrik spiritual technologies and practices that support your journey. Learn meditation, visualization, and energy work to expand your consciousness and deepen your own spiritual path.


Sacred Sexuality Practices:

  - Engage in sacred sexuality practices that honor your body and spirit. Discover ways to use your sexual energy as a powerful force for healing, transformation, manifestation, and epic love!


Radiant Self-Mastery:

  - Learn how to master your sexual energy and channel it for your highest good. Empower yourself to pursue your dreams and live a life filled with passion, purpose, and fulfillment.

Image by René Porter

Why Join Tantra For The People?

This program is designed for men and women, regardless of experience level. Whether you are new to Tantra or have been on this path for years, you will find valuable teachings and practices that resonate with your journey.


By the end of the six months, you will have a deeper understanding of your sexual and spiritual nature, have re-ignited your passion and intimacy with your partner, and feel a greater sense of self-love and empowerment whether you are single or in partnership. You will be equipped with practical tools and techniques to continue your Tantra journey and experience the epic love, empowerment, transformation as you learn the fine art of mastering your sacred sexual energy. 


Join Us!

Embrace this opportunity to transform your life, your relationships, and become a more beneficial presence on the planet through the power of Tantra. 


Tantra for the People is more than a program; it's a path to greater love, connection, and spiritual awakening. 

Become an essential part of creating “Heaven on Earth” through the power of love, consciousness, and cultivating your God Given power.


“When couples are truly sexually fulfilled, deeply in love & connected, and share a common desire for spiritual evolution, the vibration of the world will

exponentially increase, and the whole planet will heal. This is living Heaven on Earth.”

Image by Pawel Czerwinski

Each Month Includes:

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 Monthly Men’s Zoom Call:

   - A dedicated session just for men to discuss specific topics related to Tantra, sexuality, spirituality, and masculine power.


Monthly Women’s Zoom Call:​

 - A dedicated session just for women to explore their unique journey in Tantra, focusing on feminine sexuality, spirituality, and self-love.


Combined Zoom Session:

 - A session that includes both men and women, fostering a unified community and exploring Tantra practices that benefit everyone, including couples or those that are calling in their soulmates.

Image by v2osk


Embodiment Breath and Yoga Practice:

 - A guided session focusing on Tantrik breathwork and yoga, designed to help you master your energy, deepen your spirituality, balance your subtle body centers, enhance your physical vitality, and prepare your body temple to experience ecstatic bliss, pleasure, and expanded states of consciousness.


One-on-One Tantra Coaching Call:

 - Receive a focused, transformative session each month where you can discuss any aspect of your Tantra journey with me. This personalized coaching call is designed to provide individualized guidance and support to provide breakthroughs and transformation in your experience.


Join us for an extraordinary weeklong retreat in the lush jungles of Costa Rica, designed to complement and enhance the Tantra for the People six-month journey. Whether you come with a partner or solo, this retreat offers a unique opportunity to dive deeper into the practices of Tantra, yoga, and breathwork, all while surrounded by the magic of the ocean ashram and jungle love!
Image by René Porter

Early Registration Bonuses

One-on-One Coaching Session

   Value: $333

   - Receive a personalized one-on-one coaching session with me before the program starts. This session allows you to discuss any aspect of your Tantra journey, set intentions, and receive tailored guidance to prepare you for the transformative experience ahead.


The Power of Practice Online Course:

   Value: $555

   - Gain access to my exclusive seven-week online course, "The Power of Practice." This course includes yoga, breath techniques, meditation, ayurveda, and other valuable practices to support your growth and deepen your understanding of Tantra.


Weekly Yoga Class:

   Value: $444 

   - Enjoy a weekly online yoga class with me, designed to support your daily practice with yoga, meditation, mantra, and my own daily inspirations! These classes will complement your Tantra practice and uplift your energy and overall well-being.


10% Off Global Retreats in 2025:

   - Benefit: Save 10% on all my global retreats happening in 2025. These retreats offer immersive experiences in beautiful locations, providing you with opportunities to deepen your practice, connect with like-minded individuals, and rejuvenate your mind, body, and spirit.


How to Qualify:


-Register Early!

- Secure your spot in the Soul on Fire Tantra for the People by September 13!

- Complete Registration: Ensure your registration is complete and payment is processed by the early registration deadline to unlock these exclusive bonuses.


Join Us:


Take advantage of these incredible early registration bonuses and start your journey with valuable resources and personalized support. Whether you are single or in a relationship, these bonuses will provide you with the tools, guidance, and experiences to fully immerse yourself in the transformative power of Tantra.


Register early and unlock your path to a more awakened, evolved, and loving life!

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Tantra and how can it benefit me?


   - Tantra is a spiritual practice that integrates sexuality, spirituality, and self-love. It helps individuals harness their sexual energy for personal growth, deepen their spiritual connection, and enhance intimacy in relationships.


Who is this program suitable for?


   - This program is designed for both men and women, whether single or in a relationship. It is suitable for anyone interested in exploring Tantra, enhancing their self-love, and improving their intimate connections.


Do I need any prior experience with Tantra or yoga?


   - No prior experience is necessary. The program is designed to accommodate beginners as well as those with previous experience in Tantra or yoga.


What if I can't attend all the live Zoom sessions?


   - All Zoom sessions will be recorded and made available to participants, so you can catch up at your convenience if you miss a live session.

Image by v2osk

For Individuals:

How will this program help me if I am single?


   - As an individual, you will learn practices to enhance your self-love, master your sexual energy, and become more magnetic. These techniques will help you grow personally and spiritually, making you more confident and empowered, and can support you in magentizing your soulmate!


What kind of support will I receive throughout the program?


   - You will receive monthly one-on-one Tantra coaching calls, access to a supportive community, and guidance through various practices designed to support your journey.

For Couples:


How will this program benefit our relationship?


   - Couples will learn techniques to deepen intimacy, improve communication, and ignite passion. The program provides practices to enhance your sexual connection and transform your relationship from a place of contentment to a state of bliss and ecstasy.


Do we need to participate in all sessions together as a couple?


   - While it is beneficial to participate together, there are also individual sessions for men and women, as well as combined sessions. This allows each partner to explore their personal growth while also working on their relationship.


Can this program help if we are experiencing relationship challenges?


   - Yes, the program includes practices and techniques designed to improve communication, help in creating a sacred practice together, and deepen emotional, spiritual, and physical intimacy, which can help address relationship challenges.

Practical Questions:


What is included in the monthly schedule?

    - Each month, you will receive:

      - A men's Zoom call

      - A women's Zoom call

      - A combined Zoom session for both men and women

      - An embodiment breath and yoga practice session


How do the payment plans work?


    - We offer various payment plans to suit your needs, including a discount for full payment & two-part payment, and options are available for three-month, four-month, and seven-month payment plans. Details on each plan are available upon registration.​


What materials or resources will I need for the program?


    - You will need a reliable internet connection for Zoom sessions, a quiet space for practice, a yoga mat, and any other personal items that make you comfortable for meditation and yoga practices. Other Tantrik tools to enhance your practice will be addressed upon registration.

Image by Philip Oroni

Client Testimonials

Working with Monica 1:1 and taking her Tantra Course has been above and beyond. Monica has really put in the work (more than anyone else you'll find!)
She has spent thousands of hours learning from some of the world's greatest teachers. In her classes Monica beautifully compiles the best wisdom from a variety of modalities.
I don'thave to take a dozen tantra classes – I can take Monica's and learn everything I need to know!
- JB
Monica is the real deal, a radiant being of light and healing, a bodhisattva of the bedroom!

Through her Mens Tantra Course I was gifted with tools and practices that have helped me be more present and loving with my partner - and myself.

While grounded in the practical aspects, Monica presents Tantra as a lifelong spiritual journey.

Wherever you are on your path - old, young, in a long-term relationship, or single - she will meet you there as a wise, loving guide. I wish my wife and I had started sooner, but the gifts learned are eternal.
- Gui
“This Tantra Course was life altering for me! I can't wait to dive deeper into TANTRA, I am truly hooked and love it!
I found a part of me that was missing, I'm not even sure I even knew it was lost!
This was an incredible journey and even more incredible was having Monica as a teacher.​
- ET

“I have to admit I was a bit skeptical of the Tantra Path at first, but when I began to see the testimonials from the women and men Monica was serving, I became interested in learning more. After being in a celibate marriage for almost two years, all it took was ONE TIP that

re-ignited our passion and we are now enjoying a vibrant and deeply connected love life again!"
- KR
Learning about Tantra from Monica has been a great experience! She's very cool, passionate about sharing her wisdom, and is the kind of person you feel like you can be really open with on such intimate topics.

Learning about Tantra has shown me a new beautiful spiritual path.

Some of the many benefits I have experienced:
- I’m more conscious about my yoga practice not only physically but spiritually.
- It has also been very good for my sex life!
- It has helped me with my performance anxiety by showing me a lot of techniques to improve my conscious breathing and my awareness.
- It has given me a lot of confidence about who I am as a man and deepened my self love.
- It has built greater intimacy between my wife and I, because now I’m able to be there as the man she deserves.

This is only the beginning for me on the Tantra path, and there is so much more I have learned from Monica in her Mens Tantra Course, and in our 1-1 coaching sessions.

I highly recommend this to men who want to be a better person and a better lover!
- Santiago
My tantra journey with Monica has been profoundly transformative, enhancing my spirituality, sexuality, self-love, acceptance, and feminine embodiment.

I feel so turned on to life! Through her teachings, guidance, and support, I feel deeply inspired to ritualize life, using these practices to strengthen my connection and love for myself and the world around me.
- KP
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